ASD 99-16x

Senate Resolution Concerning State Auditor’s Report

Whereas, the state auditor has issued a report containing allegations that are critical of certain budget and fund-raising practices on the Fullerton campus, and

Whereas, these allegations, if not refuted satisfactorily, could be damaging to the fund-raising capabilities and the academic mission of the campus, and

Whereas, the Senate has standing committees whose responsibilities include oversight of activities in the budget and fund-raising areas, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Fullerton Academic Senate request the Planning, Resource, and Budget Committee and the University Advancement Committee to study the allegations made by the state auditor, and be it further

Resolved, that the Senate direct these committees to coordinate appropriately in order to avoid duplication, restricting their studies to those allegations falling with their respective purviews, and be it further

Resolved, that the Senate direct these committees to consult broadly with the appropriate campus officials concerning these allegations, and be it further

Resolved, that the Senate request these committees to report their findings to the Senate in a timely manner, but not later than March 1, 2000.

Source: Senator Olmsted